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Divorce Attorney Sterling Heights MI

Looking to Hire a Divorce Attorney in Sterling Heights, MI?

Filing for divorce in Michigan can be very painful and trying, we understand that. We understand the emotional aspect of divorces and the stress they can cause on a family. Our approach is to accommodate our clients and create a strategy that is tailored to your unique situation and needs while vigorously advocating on your behalf.

Michigan is a no-fault divorce state, meaning that you may obtain a divorce without showing cause or divulging details of what caused a breakdown in the marital bonds; you just have to state that the marital bonds have been irreversibly broken.

Please call (248) 785-3634 today for a free consultation with a divorce attorney in Sterling Heights

Call (248) 785-3634 today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Michigan divorce attorney or fill out our contact form. The Divorce Attorneys of Michigan serves the entire Metro-Detroit area.

What Legal Services does your Law Firm Offer?

Please see the following list of services we routinely offer clients during divorce proceedings:

Divorce, child custody, property division and all other aspects covered in divorces can be discussed during your consultation.

Call Today for a Free Consultation with a Divorce Attorney (248) 785-3634

In Michigan, issues involving assets and children often arise when a marriage is being dissolved. Questions such as the amount of child support or alimony paid to a spouse create anxiety when considering a divorce. These questions and other concerns will be addressed and answered by your divorce attorney.

Our divorce lawyers are well aware of the anxieties that tend to emerge when facing these issues. We are sensitive and understanding of these feelings and will take care when advising.

Sterling Heights Frequently Asked Divorce Questions

Where do I file for divorce if I live in Macomb County?

If you have resided in Macomb County for at least 10 days, then Macomb County court is where you would file for divorce.

How long does it take to finalize a divorce in Macomb County?

A divorce in Macomb County can take up to at least 6 months to finalize, if not longer, depending on how contentious the parties are.

What are the fees to file for divorce in Oakland County?

Divorce filing fees vary on whether children are involved or not.

Sterling Heights Divorce Resources

Sterling Heights Police Department
40333 Dodge Park Rd.
Sterling Heights, MI 48313
(586) 446-2800

Macomb County Courthouse
40 N. Main St.
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
(586) 469-5150

Pioneer Counseling Center (marriage counseling)
36250 Dequindre Rd.
Sterling Heights, MI 48310
(586) 795-0569

41-A District Court – City of Sterling Heights
40111 Dodge Park Rd.
Sterling Heights, MI 48313
(586) 977-6475

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